katriel cohn-gordon


headshot photo of katriel cohn-gordon

I'm a senior staff privacy engineer interested in data access, deletion and secure messaging. I'm an aspiring feminist, trying to be a better ally, and my pronoun.is/he.

newI gave a talk on Meta's cookie infrastructure at PEPR 2023.

newI wrote a blog post on how Meta deprecates products.

Research   [publications, PhD thesis] I am interested in data access and deletion infrastructure. I wrote a paper on how Meta ensures deletion correctness, and another on how they remove unused code and data. Before that I studied secure messaging and end-to-end encryption. Me giving a talk on cookie infrastructure, and another on group messaging and another on deletion; Totally Accurate Register Coverage. My Erdős number is four (one, two, three, four) if you allow conferences. I guest-review for Black Hat.

Code   I write code for a living, mostly related to user privacy. I've worked on data access and portability tools, deletion, and cookies, among many other projects. I'm currently at m e t a where I support work federation, data access and deletion infrastructure, cookie consent and the privacy incident management process. I'm at home working with legal and policy folks, and translating between code and regulatory requirements.

Contact me via website@katriel.co.uk.